Monday, June 27, 2011

My Personal Whirlwind...

Man, what is going on in my life.

As many of you know I am currently the Student Ministries Intern at Emmanuel Church of Greenwood, engaged to a wonderful fiance Jenny Schroeder , and am currently on a quest to Blog Weekly (this one is a little late), read the One Year Bible daily, journal daily, and read 50 pages daily.  Although this may seem like a lot, it is these spiritual disciplines that have kept my mind, body, and spirit centralized on God.  In all the chaos that is the summer and all the chaos that goes into an internship, planning a wedding, and just daily life in general I know that these four things will stay central to who I am and the spiritual growth that takes place.

What has been the fruits of these spiritual disciplines as they have played out over the past month and a half.  I have found a revived sense of strength in knowing that my creator God is central to my life.  I have built a renewed trust and hope in him both in my personal decisions as well as our decisions as soon to be newlyweds.  I have come around this idea that intentional habits, lead to intentional spiritual growth, thus intentional growth leading to intentional life change, this intentional life change leading to a deepening influence.  All of which are imperative to the saving of the lives of the people I am around on a daily basis.

Although my life this past month has been a true whirlwind of emotions, feelings, life change, and chaos, I have found one thing to reign true throughout and that is the fact that "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you."  These are the words of Jesus to his disciples in Acts 1 after he revealed to them the fact that they are the ones being called to make disciples across all the world.  This overwhelming task would have undoubtedly lead to a wave of emotions and doubt if it were not for this phrase "YOU WILL RECEIVE POWER".  Jesus assures us, just as he assured his disciples, that we will receive power if we choose to trust in him with our whole lives.

In the midst of the chaos, I continue to choose Christ on a daily basis and in return I receive power from the Holy Spirit.

I challenge you with the same, you will not be left in weakness.

Till Another Day

Acts 1:8

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